SmartQ recently sent out a press release in China announcing its upcoming Linux-based Mobile Internet Device (MID), the SmartQ 5. This MID will run on an ARM processor, usually found in mobile phones and handhelds. The Ubuntu operating system (OS) used on it, on the other hand, more commonly resides on computers using x86 processors made by companies like Intel and AMD. The combination of a power-saving mobile processor and a full desktop OS should be interesting.
What makes the SmartQ 5 even more enticing is its announced price of 899 yuan (US$132). That's even cheaper than many MP3 players out in the market. We contacted Singapore's representative for SmartQ and found out that consumers will be able to get their hands on one starting April. This will be at a promotional price of S$249 (US$164) just for that month, and at S$299 (US$198) thereafter.
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